Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Ebook gratuit Etty Hillesum

Ebook gratuit Etty Hillesum

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Etty Hillesum

Etty Hillesum

Etty Hillesum

Ebook gratuit Etty Hillesum

Regardez ce livre extrêmement attractiving. Du titre, du choix de mise en page de couverture, ainsi que de l'écrivain fort à afficher, ce qu'il est le Etty Hillesum ont encore aucune idée avec cette publication? Êtes-vous vraiment un bon lecteur? Localisez les lots collections du livre composé par ce même auteur exact. Vous pouvez voir comment l'écrivain offre réellement le travail. Maintenant, ce livre se présente dans le monde d'édition pour être l'un des livres en cours de lancement.

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Etty Hillesum

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 204 pages

Editeur : Robert Laffont (21 octobre 2010)

Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2221114019

ISBN-13: 978-2221114018

Dimensions du produit:

13,6 x 1,7 x 21,5 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

4.6 étoiles sur 5

7 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

71.964 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Très accessible et agréable, un excellent livre pour découvrir le personnage attachant que fut Etty Hillesum qui vécut dans une période trouble et monstrueuse, et pour s'initier à ce qu'on peut considérer sans hésiter comme son héritage littéraire et spirituel. Et tout ceci sans commencer forcément par l'intégrale de ses écrits.Cecilia Dutter raconte, explique, commente une brève biographie de façon vivante et très ludique ainsi que plusieurs extraits des textes d'Etty. Elle fournit plusieurs références qui permettent au lecteur d'aller plus loin s'il le souhaite.

bonjour,Désolé de ne pouvoir faire un commentaire sur ce livre, c'était un cadeau pour quelqu'un, celui-ci comme les autres livres mais ce qu'elle m'en a dit est une vrai passion pour la vie de cette femme morte dans les camps.....Bonne lecture

Dans son journal (1941-1943), une jeune juive de Hollande, avant de disparaître à Auschwitz, écrit : « La force essentielle consiste à sentir au fond de soi, jusqu’à la fin, que la vie a un sens, qu’elle est belle…, telle qu’elle était ». Ceci même au cœur de la barbarie nazie.Dans son livre, que j’ai lu, relu et souvent offert (Etty Hillesum, Une voix dans la nuit), Cécilia Dutter introduit le lecteur dans le cheminement souvent tumultueux, dramatique et paradoxalement apaisé de cette jeune femme de 25 ans. On peut alors aborder le journal lui-même écrit par Etty en savourant chaque émotion, chaque désarroi, chaque peur en même temps que chaque respiration sereine qui l’ont accompagnée vers l’ « essentiel » qui se révèle peu à peu au fil des jours .Pourquoi ai-je tout particulièrement aimé ce livre (et Etty Hillesum elle-même) ? N’est-il pas, n’est-elle pas, un chemin de vie pour ceux qui veulent chercher avec crainte et doute parfois, avec confiance aussi, le sens de leur vie au travers des jours tumultueux qui sont souvent les nôtres !

Je suis une inconditionnelle d'Etty Hillesum. Tout ce qui est écrit sur elle m'intéresse.. je suis en cours de lecture.. et j'apprécie le style et le ton de l'auteur... A suivre

Bouleversante introduction à la vie d'Etty Hillesum. Beaucoup de citations de son journal, bien sûr, mises dans leur contexte. Quelques perles à méditer.Plusieurs présentations également d'auteurs voisins (Primo Levi, Anne Franck) et de ceux ayant inspiré la pensée d'Etty Hillesum (Saint Augustin notamment).Lecture riche et qui donne envie de lire les écrits d'Etty Hillesum elle-même.

D’après moi, mais c’est à Amazon à vérifier avant que je ne l’achète, le livre qui est proposé en Kindle, n’est pas le bon ! Si vous voulez en Kindle « Un coeur universel, regards croisés sur Etty Hillesum » de Cécilia Dutter, vous n’aurez qu’en fait à la place « Etty Hillesum, une voix dans la nuit » de la même Cécilia Dutter !!!! Il y a confusion entre les 2 livres ! M. Amazon, un peu plus de sérieux, SVP ! et merci d’éclaircir le mystère. Bernard.

Je recommande la lecture de cet ouvrage empreint de générosité, de tolérance, d'amour, en bref universel !il répond pour moi à certaines questions sur les valeurs et les ressources qui font de l'homme ce mammifère à part.

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Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

Ebook Gratuit No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

Ebook Gratuit No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

Divers autres facteurs que ce livre est écrit par un auteur inspirant qui a l'expertise pour écrire et faire une publication. Néanmoins, l'élément est simple mais significative. Il ne fait pas usage de la dure ainsi que les mots difficiles à comprendre. Le contenu web utilisé est vraiment utile. Vous pouvez prendre certains facteurs exceptionnels de l'examen No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics And Winning The World We Need, By Naomi Klein lorsque vous avez effectivement commencé à lire son livre attentivement.

No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

Ebook Gratuit No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

Est - No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics And Winning The World We Need, By Naomi Klein publication votre lecture préférée? Est - fictions? Comment ça en ce qui concerne l' histoire? Ou est le meilleur vendeur unique , votre option pour satisfaire vos loisirs? Et même les publications politic ou religieuses vous chasse pour l' instant? Ici , nous allons nous fournissons des collections de livres No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics And Winning The World We Need, By Naomi Klein que vous avez besoin. Nombre de paquets de livres de nombreuses industries sont fournis. De la science fiction à et spirituelle peut être regardé et a trouvé ici. Vous pourriez ne pas insister sur ne pas trouver votre publication visée à vérifier. Ce No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics And Winning The World We Need, By Naomi Klein est parmi eux.

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Lié à cette situation, vous pourriez vraiment avoir le temps de prendre No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics And Winning The World We Need, By Naomi Klein comme autant que possible. Soyez l'une des excellentes personnes qui prennent ce livre en plus pour la source. Pour vous garantir d'obtenir cette publication, nous allons certainement montrer comment vous pouvez localiser et obtenir le fichier doux de celui-ci ici. Il suffit de suivre le lien web que nous fournissons aussi bien que vous pouvez directement localiser et également négocier pour obtenir ce livre. Ceci est choisi seulement pour obtenir ainsi que d'attendre dans un gadget que vous apportez partout ou dans la maison ou au bureau.

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No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 288 pages

Editeur : Haymarket Books (13 juin 2017)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1608468909

ISBN-13: 978-1608468904

Dimensions du produit:

14,6 x 2,5 x 21,6 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

252.273 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

This is a brilliant book, and absolutely worth reading. Klein has a knack for synthesizing and pushing beyond most left analysis of a particular conjuncture, and making connections that others have missed. I especially loved her demolition of the manufactured "economics versus identity politics" debate in Chapter 5, which has confused too many people who should know better. I also strongly disagree with the reader who argues that Klein over-emphasizes Trump's merely crass economic motivations, and downplays the graver threat of authoritarianism/fascism he represents. To the contrary, as Klein shows, Trump's deportations, travel bans, and incitement of hatred provide cover for his upward economic redistribution. Klein's analysis of Trump as a cultural phenomenon, in the context of late capitalist media culture, also offers essential insights into how he has built a mass base.More importantly, while it is tempting to focus on Trump's individual persona, Klein asks us to see Trump as a product of larger social forces. As Klein shows, Trump is a logical outcome of interlocking systems of power that give the rich, whites, and men impunity over other humans (and non-human species). We cannot effectively resist Trump's nakedly plutocratic, racist, sexist, and ecocidal agenda unless we understand where it came from, and have a coherent vision of a better world. While this is obviously a short treatise, it does those things very well. Bravo, Ms. Klein.

Naomi Klein’s favorite section in NO IS NOT ENOUGH (NINE) is probably “The Leap Manifesto”. This is a document recently produced by Canadian progressives that attempts to describe a politics that is based on values, not policies. In boldface, this document offers such ideas as:o There is no longer an excuse for building new infrastructure projects that lock us into increased extraction decades into the future.o We call for an end to all trade deals that interfere with our attempts to rebuild local economies, regulate corporations, and stop damaging extractive projects.o We declare that “austerity”, which has systematically attacked low-carbon sectors like education and healthcare, while starving public transit… is a fossilized form of thinking that has become a threat to life of earth. o Financial transaction taxes. Increased resource royalties. Higher income taxes on corporations and wealthy people. A progressive carbon tax… All of these are based on a simple “polluter pays” principle…Klein, needless to say, is a big Bernie Sanders supporter. And this short book—the final 40% is a list of sources that corroborates her text—does connect the dots. Starting with Trump’s use of the Presidency as a branding opportunity nonpareil, Klein builds an indictment of America’s “hard-core” conservatives who, when they “…deny climate change, are not just protecting the trillions in wealth that are threatened by climate action. They are also defending something even more precious to them: An entire ideological project—neoliberalism—which holds that the market is always right, regulation is always wrong, private is good, public is bad, and taxes that support public services are the worst of all.”In her best-seller THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Klein argues that the followers of the Milton Friedman, the conservative Chicago-School economist, exploited violence and cathartic political change to implement radical economic policies that, to say the least, are not universally successful. (Here, her case-in-point is Chile after Pinochet's brutal coup.) With this as her starting point, it’s not surprising to hear Klein argue that the chaos, crudeness, and disarray of the Trump Administration are deliberate, with Trump “…systematically using the public’s disorientation… to push through radical pro-corporate measures…”I read “No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need” while waiting with scores of other prospective jurors at 111 Centre Street, where the New York Supreme Court operates. For this hiatus, Klein’s book was about right, since its content is familiar to this left-leaning news junky. Even so, NINE does read like a first-draft of history, albeit suffused with indignation.Rounded up.

This book proposes principles for progressive activists to follow as life gets increasingly more precarious in this country under the leadership of the bizarre reactionary demagogue, Mr. Trump. As economic inequality continues its inexorable rise, our pretensions to having a government based on the will of the people seem particularly ridiculous. Trump won the 2016 election, despite losing the popular vote, with the support of about a quarter of the electorate. Hillary Clinton also won roughly 25 percent of eligible voters. Klein notes that far more eligible voters chose not to cast a ballot at all rather than vote for either candidate--she cites the voter non-participation percentage as being 40 percent. Wasn’t it closer to half? In any case, Klein sees no answer to Trump in the politics of establishment Democrats. Politicians like Hillary Clinton offer no challenge to the oligarchy that controls us. According to Klein, Trump is a symptom of the further worsening of conditions under the neoliberal economic policies implemented in recent decades by both Republicans and Democrats. The Democrats have offered no real answers to the problems of economic malaise so many people have turned to Trump, as preposterous as he is. Mrs. Clinton, Klein notes, saw a 15 to 20 percent less turnout of Democratic voters in states like Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin during the 2016 election compared to what Obama received in 2012. This weak turnout obviously helped Trump.This book does not merely survey the current political situation but also suggests principles upon which leftists might act. One of the book's arguments is that racism, war, climate change, ecosystem destruction, economic inequality, labor rights and other such problems are intimately related. Social movements will not make much progress against an individual social or economic problem until they recognize that all social and economic problems have roots in neoliberal capitalism. Social movements need to focus on the elimination of all the destructive manifestations of neoliberal capitalism rather than focusing on just one or two.There is much activism related discussion in the book but also no shortage of analyses of some of the peculiar operating characteristics of Mr. Trump and his family. One such characteristic is the very high level of conflict of interest on display between the executive branch duties of Mr. Trump and his daughter Ivanka and the fact that they are still profiting from the private sector businesses whose day to day management they have placed in trusts run by family members. The author discusses how she believes the Trumps are engaging in the unprecedented blatant behavior of using their government privileges to enrich themselves while serving in government.As a politician, as a person in general, Trump is a conman. Contrary to his pledges, Klein notes that Trump will not succeed in bringing back any large number of manufacturing jobs. She mentions that he broke his promise to ensure that steel made by American workers would be used to construct the Keystone XL pipeline. She also mentions that while campaigning for president, he accused Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton of being controlled by Goldman Sachs, but has since proceeded to appoint six of that financial institution’s alumni to key positions in his administration.Trump is also a fraud as far as his professed concern for lost American jobs. Klein observes that Trump has heavily outsourced production of his products throughout his business career. She notes that news reports have described the brutal conditions under which Trump’s ties and Ivanka’s clothing line have been produced in Chinese factories. She also mentions a VOX report about terrible living conditions among migrant workers employed to construct a Trump golf course in Dubai. These migrant workers lived in extremely cramped, rat infested rooms.Meanwhile Trump made a great show of signing—for his first executive order--the repeal of American involvement in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). However Klein notes that a leaked document, cited by Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, indicates that the Trump administration has plans to incorporate some of the worst aspects of the TPP into a reformed NAFTA agreement. These aspects include the creation of unelected WTO style tribunals where businesses can seek the override of domestic legislation that might slightly threaten their profits. To summarize, it appears Trump and his associates envision making NAFTA even more destructive for ordinary people than it already has been, Mexicans included. Klein cites a 2017 study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research which states that an additional 20 million Mexicans have fallen into poverty since NAFTA was implemented in 1994.Such NAFTA inspired poverty increases in Mexico have played a big role in the surge in illegal immigration about which Trump has engaged in so much demagoguery.. Klein notes how Trump's scapegoating of "the other"--Muslims, Mexicans ,etc.--is a traditional tactic used by politicians to advance the domination of the rich and powerful. She notes that Trump has experience in scapegoating people of color going all the way back to 1989. In that year, Trump placed full page pro-death penalty ads in major New York newspapers to stir up hysteria about the Central Park Five, a group of Latino and Black youths who were convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park. The five were later exonerated by DNA evidence and their sentences eliminated but Trump has refused to admit their innocence.I think the best chapter in the book deals with the resistance of the Standing Rock Sioux and their non-indigenous supporters in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline. Peaceful resistance by these people was met by massive violence on the part of police and private security thugs. Obama scuttled the pipeline’s permit in December 2016 but Trump has brought it back. The Standing Rock Sioux argue that the pipeline is a great risk to destroy their sacred sites and runs directly under their water reservoir at Lake Oahe, thus threatening their water supply. The pipeline was originally scheduled to pass by the majority white town of Bismarck North Dakota but local fears of potential damage to that city’s water supply scuttled the project. So the pipeline route was moved under Lake Oahe instead. Klein sees the Standing Rock Sioux led resistance to the pipeline as an exemplary social movement, once which seeks to model in their resistance an alternative society of living cooperatively with the earth and with each other.In order to encourage social movements to focus on fighting not just one or two injustices but all the social and economic ills created by modern capitalism, Klein—with other progressive Canadian activists-- participated during 2015 in the creation of the Leap Manifesto. She discusses the various proposals of this manifesto (the full text of which is in the book’s one appendix). One notable such proposal is to give indigenous people and communities of color the first opportunity to operate renewable energy co-ops. Allowing these historically oppressed people to be first in line to operate democratically and profit from renewable energy is envisioned as a form of reparations. Klein has been inspired by the operation of renewable energy co-ops in Denmark and Germany. She writes that Germany gets 30 percent of its energy from renewables and is by a significant margin the most successful economy in Europe.Klein and her colleagues are hopeful that their manifesto can serve as a model for progressive political demands in Canada and throughout the world. She lists some of the uses to which the Leap manifesto has been put so far; for example a resolution was passed endorsing its spirit at the 2016 New Democratic Party national convention and it served as a model platform for Cheri Honkala’s recent Pennsylvania state representative campaign.Klein views Trump and his associates as utilizing elements of what she has called the Shock Doctrine, in order to roll back the rights of ordinary people and further increase the power of economic elites. Ruling elites all over the world have historically tried to use economic and political instability or natural disasters—when their populations were in “shock—to quickly push through unpopular extreme pro-business, pro-wealthy measures. Klein mentions some recent examples of the shock doctrine (or shock therapy has others have called it.) There was Paul Bremer rapidly instituting neoliberalism during his time as America’s Iraq proconsul. Then there was Hurricane Katrina, whose severity was amplified in part, Klein observes, because the degradation of the levees supposedly protecting New Orleans was ignored by the Army Corp of Engineers. Reactionary politicians, led by Mike Pence, seized the opportunity to impose right wing policies on New Orleans. Charter school operators flooded into the city; according to Klein, public housing with little damage was demolished in order to make way for new condos and town-homes for the wealthy.The author spends some space writing about Trump and the phenomenon in corporate culture of “branding.” Trump has used branding techniques to advance his wealth in the private sector which in turn laid the basis for the launch of his political brand. Klein cautions though that while progressives might criticize Trump’s brand they also ought to be cognizant of the branding of progressive politicians such as Obama or Justin Trudeau, the tar sands enthusiast.A la, Howard Zinn, Klein refers to moments of crisis in the past when instead of the shock doctrine imposed by elites, progressive social movements have been able to seize the moment from those elites and successfully pressure governments to implement restrains on corporate power and implement civil rights, labor rights, environmental protections, etc.Finally, I will note that the author has a few interesting things to say about the oil industry and the relationship between climate change and refugees. She notes Exxon (before it was Exxon-Mobil), through its own scientists decades earlier, has always known about the reality of global warming but chose to suppress its own research in favor of spreading global warming denialism through its funding of think tanks and other such venues.The book is well written. There is a notes section at the end of the book listing sources by chapter.

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No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein PDF

No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein PDF

No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein PDF
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, by Naomi Klein PDF

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Ebook Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

Ebook Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

encore besoin d'idées flambant neuf pour couvrir ainsi que résoudre vos problèmes? Votre problème est lié à l'activité, la date d'échéance du travail, la vie, les institutions ou autres? Il est évident que tous les individus sont des questions qui peuvent les conduire font toujours des initiatives formidables. Pour vous aider, nous allons partager une publication de Dieu pour examen. Très probablement, il va certainement vous aider à résoudre certains problème que vous traitez actuellement. Ce sont les données douces de Postformal Education : A Philosophy For Complex Futures que la publication conseillé dans ce site aujourd'hui.

Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

Ebook Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

A la découverte est une procédure qui sera entrepris par toutes les personnes à tous les âges. Dans cette situation, nous avons constamment les livres qui doivent être accumulés et lire. Postformal Education : A Philosophy For Complex Futures est parmi les livres que nous recommandons toujours pour vous en savoir. Ceci est la manière dont vous découvrez lié au sujet. Lorsque vous avez la présence de guides, vous devriez voir à quel point ce livre est vraiment recommandé.

Cependant, ce n'est pas genre de conseils sacrale. Publication peut vous aider adresse et aussi de la peine, cependant, il ne peut pas choisir exactement comment vous le résoudre. Il ne vous donnera pas l'assurance. Vous êtes celui qui doit le prendre. Lorsque vous prenez le livre est une bonne méthode, il aura recours à rien quand vous ne révisons pas bien. Avoir Postformal Education : A Philosophy For Complex Futures impliquera absolument rien quand vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le contenu Web et ramassant de ce livre.

La lecture certainement ce livre peut créer le besoin exact et des moyens sévères pour entreprendre et surmonter aussi cette question. Livre comme une fenêtre du monde pourrait avoir la situation exacte de la façon dont cette publication existe. Postformal Education : A Philosophy For Complex Futures que nous vous conseillons d'être perspective d'un examen a quelques progrès. En outre, il est vu de même sujet que vous avez besoin, il a aussi le titre fascinant de vérifier. Vous pouvez également voir à quel point la mise en page de la couverture est stylisé. Ils sont en fait bien fait sans l'insatisfaction.

Après avoir terminé cette publication, vous pouvez prendre le verdict au sujet de ce genre de publication c'est exactement. Vous ne pourriez éprouver des remords pour obtenir et lire aussi jusqu'à fini. De nombreuses personnes ont prouvé aussi qu'ils aiment cette publication tant. Quand ils ont fait révisaient actuellement, une remarque sur Postformal Education : A Philosophy For Complex Futures est incroyable. Alors, comment est-il de vous? Avez-vous commencé à lire ce livre? Terminer ainsi que faire la pensée finale de celui-ci. Démarrer actuellement et ici.

Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures

Détails sur le produit

Relié: 291 pages

Editeur : Springer International Publishing AG; Édition : 1st ed. 2016 (12 mai 2016)

Collection : Critical Studies of Education

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 3319290681

ISBN-13: 978-3319290683

Dimensions du produit:

15,6 x 1,9 x 23,4 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

Soyez la première personne à écrire un commentaire sur cet article

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

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As clearly stated by a number of experts, this book is a triumph of scholarship, yet is immensely accessible and as readable as detective novel. Throughout, it offers great excitement by revealing our history of thinking any the ideas we formed. And it explains how we got to this place in our intellectual and social development, where we are again ready for profound change. Gidley brings us all into the room together, so that we can understand where we must go next in educating the next generations. This book liberates us from 200 years of industrial mindset on education, as if education was just another machine operator's manual. The phenomenal challenges that now lie at the feet of the Millennial generation call for totally different thinking, and that means a totally new approach to education. This book is where it starts. I have read the book end-to-end twice and will be recommending it to everyone.

What masquerades as education today must be seen for what it is-an anachronistic relic of the industrial past. Gidley“Postformal education joins the growing list of “post” jargon, post modern, post structural, and, today, Post Truth. The problem is that education always has a “bottom line”. Someone pays to learn whether the student, parent, State, Church or other entity. There are expectations of knowledge mastery (cognitive, skills based and process, the soft skills). This has been going on, globally, ever since there were persons with such knowledge and persons to seek this out well before the modern industrial economy. And, there have been a plethora of ideas on how such is to be presented, mastered and measured.The core cognitive skills, the basic reading, writing, mathematics have been transmitted by private tutors, Alexander the Great’s teacher, Aristotle, for example, to lock-step, age defined cohorts taught by the mythical Ichabod Crane and many examples as the Catholic Church came with the Spanish explorers. And, there have been edge movements over time such as the Waldorf schools following the ideas of Rudolf Steiner or the Montessori schools based on the studies of Maria Montessori. Many of these focused on Preschool through secondary institutions and might include the works of Illich and Freire, Piaget or the ideas of a host of others. Today, there are more of these ideas often influenced by the rise of computers and information technologies which have incorporated much of these ideas with the use of computer learning such as games and simulations well documented by public intellectuals such as Marc Prensky and the plethora of ideas propagated by educators themselves in the P-12 systems, researchers in academia and the multimillion dollar education industry supported by corporations to build both technology and management/human relation skills within their employees from the still extant “production lines” to the corner offices in the executive suites.These have lead to a major focus on the softer skills with the rise of the 4 C’s (creativity, competence, collaboration and communication) which are being demanded of graduates seeking to enter the world of “work” and which overlap the increased emphasis on social skills and civic engagement. How these and the cognitive skills are obtained becomes less of an issue than the ability of individuals to be able to validate attainment of competencies within the cognitive areas of mastery.Gidley’s Postformal Education reads like an abstract for a graduate thesis proposal or an expansion on such a thesis. As such, it’s a fragmented collection of ideas with an extensive bibliography. It’s emphasis is on a very narrow set of philosophical approaches for learning that selectively emphasizes one approach to the “softer skills”, many of which found favor during the mid 20th century and partially embodied in the human potentials movement, and the rise of the West’s growing interest and adoption of eastern philosophy. But that was more than 3 score years ago.Gidley’s thesis, a core for this volume stops over a decade ago, well before the founding of Western Governors University, one of the early public institutions designed for individual and independent learning. Today, there are global institutions where students are able to take their education experience internationally as more countries seek to follow the EU’s program of harmonization across institutions.Thus, the Gidley quote which appears towards the end of Postformal Education is a “straw person” whether one is concerned with P-12, P-16 or life-long learning. Rather it describes a small slice of a growing number of options for learning whether a young learner or an adult seeking to gain insights and new skills at any level.There is a major caveat. The Susskinds in their volume The Future of the Professions point out that if a task can be parsed, it can be done by artificial intelligent systems. This includes providing education in the “soft skills”. There are numerous examples in commercial systems and not just locked in research laboratories. These challenge the very narrow narratives that Postformal Education purports to be essential.The bibliography is probably of value from an historic perspective

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Postformal Education : A Philosophy for Complex Futures PDF